You are here : Quality Control & Assurance > QC Functions > QC of Packing Check List QC of Packing Check List
This option allows to carry out QC check for 'Bought Out' and 'Ready Sub Assembly' type of Items belonging to the Parent Item of an SJO after they have been allocated and packed through Allocation/WO Creation option of Planning Module.
Please note that IMMS does not allow to carry out QC check if partial quantity of Child Item is packed. Therefore, Packed Quantity of an Item should be same as Allocated Quantity before QC can be done. Once QC is done, the material can be dispatched.
Denotes the SJO Year for which QC check has to be done.
By default current financial year will be displayed. It can be changed. To do so, click on the field to access a list of already exiting Financial Years. Select your desired Financial Year from the list by scrolling down to it and pressing <ENTER>. Alternatively you can also enter the Financial Year.
Denotes the Group of SJO.
Specify the Group of the SJO. Please note that the Group which has been specified as default for the current financial year through Document Control Master option in Administrator
Toolswill be displayed automatically.
You can change it by clicking on the field to access a list of already defined SJO Groups for the current Year though Document Control Master option in Administrator Tools Module. Select your desired Group from the list by scrolling down to it and pressing <ENTER>. Alternatively you can also enter the Group.
Specify the Site of the SJO. By default the Site if any specified with the selected Group will be displayed automatically.
Click on the field to access a list of already defined Sites. Select your desired Site from the list by scrolling down to it and pressing <ENTER>. Alternatively you can also enter the Site Code.
Denotes the SJO for which QC has to be done.
Click on the field to access a list of already existing SJOs that have Parent Items for which the flag 'Dispatch Without Manufacturing' has been selected as ticked. Select your desired SJO from the list by scrolling down to it and pressing <ENTER>. Alternatively you can also enter the SJO Number. Press <TAB>.
Only those SJOs will be displayed that have at least one Child Item that has not been dispatched. |
Specify the first field on which the information displayed in the below grid should be ordered on.
By default 'Select' is displayed. Click on the popup to open a list of fields. Select the desired field by clicking on it.
Specify the second field on which the information displayed in the below grid should be ordered on.
By default 'Select' is displayed. Click on the popup to open a list of fields. Select the desired field by clicking on it.
Specify the third field on which the information displayed in the below grid should be ordered on.
By default 'Select' is displayed. Click on the popup to open a list of fields. Select the desired field by clicking on it.
Specify the fourth field on which the information displayed in the below grid should be ordered on.
By default 'Select' is displayed. Click on the popup to open a list of fields. Select the desired field by clicking on it.
Specify whether the data in the grid should be ordered in Ascending or Descending order by clicking on the desired option from the popup.
Once all the fields have been specified for ordering purpose, click on 'Re-Order' button to finally order the data in the grid accordingly.
type="button" name="button" value="Re-Order"
Once SJO Number is entered, a list of all 'Bought Out' and 'Ready Sub Assembly' type of Child Items belonging to the Parent Item of that SJO will be displayed in a grid as follows -
Please note that the grid will display only those Child Items that have not been dispatched yet.
Field Description of the grid -
Main Box:
Displays the Main Box, if any, of the Child Item.
Main Box Description:
Displays the description of the Main box.
Sub Box:
Displays the Sub Box, if any, of the Child Item.
Sub Box Description:
Displays the description of the selected Sub Box.
Item Code:
Displays the Item Code of the 'Bought Out' or 'Ready Sub Assembly' type of Child Items.
Item Name:
Displays the Name of the Child Item for your information.
Automatically displays the Internal Unit of Measurement of the Child Item for your information.
Box Qty:
Displays the Required Quantity of the Child Item for your information. It can not be changed.
Box Item Name:
Displays the Box Item Name, if any, of the Item.
Parent Code:
Displays the Parent Code belonging to the selected SJO for your information.
Parent Name:
Displays the name of the Parent Code for your information.
Allocation Qty:
Automatically displays the quantity of Child Item that has been allocated for your information. It can not be changed.
Packing Qty:
Displays the Packing Quantity of Child Item.
Denotes whether quality check has been done for the Child Item or not.
The value of this field will be displayed as selected or empty as per the selected SJO Number. You can change it.
Select the small box by clicking on it if the Quality Check is done for it. Click on it again to de-select the box. A tick mark means QC has been done for the Item whereas an empty box means QC has not been done yet.
Please note QC check for a Child Item can be done only when the following conditions are fulfilled. Otherwise the box will remain disabled.
- Main Box, Sub Box and Box Item Name have been specified through Allocation/WO Creation option of Planning Module
- Full quantity of the Item has been packed, i.e, 'Box Qty' is same as 'Packing Qty'
- Delivery challan has not been made for the Child Item
Invoice Qty:
Automatically displays the Invoice Quantity of the Child Item in case Invoice has been generated for it. Otherwise, 0 will be displayed. It can not be changed.
DC Qty:
Automatically displays the Delivery Challan Quantity of the Child Item in case Delivery Challan has been generated for it. Otherwise, 0 will be displayed. It can not be changed.
Automatically displays the Remarks related to the Child Item entered through the Generate CBOM option of Engineering Module for your reference. You can not change it.
QC Remark:
Denotes Remarks related to the QC of Child Item.
Click on the field. Now enter Remarks, if any, related to the Child Item of the SJO. Press <TAB>.
Once done, click on 'Save' button to save the details or 'Cancel' button to discard.